宣公上人到韓國了!Venerable Master set foot in Korea


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在這秋高氣爽的時節, 我們一行十八人包括萬佛聖城方丈恒律法師, 臺灣高雄法界聖寺當家恒江法師, 臺灣各地〈臺北、 台中、 高雄〉分支道場代表的幾位居士, 和美國道場(萬佛城、 金山寺、 柏克萊寺)的幾位居士, 同在臺北桃園機場集合, 一起邁向此次韓國之旅!

October 2, as the autumn air becomes crisp and the weather becomes pleasant, a new chapter of DRBA begins. Hopeful and enthusiastic, a group of 18 people including the Abbot of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Dharma Master Heng Lyu, the head monastic of Dharma Realm Sagely Monastery at Kaohsiung, Taiwan, DM Heng Chiang, and many laity representatives of the Way-Places from the US and Taiwan, came together and met up at the Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan to embark on one of the most reverent missions of DRBA; taking the legacy of Venerable Master Hua and extending it abroad to the peninsula of South Korea.
