
法界佛教大學邀請比丘尼恆雲法師所主講的「烈火真金」講座,於4月11日(星期一)至15日(星期五)在萬佛聖城展示中心開講,總共有八場講座──星期二至星期五上午8:00 – 9:30,星期一至星期五下午3:00 – 4:30。此講座由中文授課,並提供英語和越南文同步翻譯。課程內容包含: 繼續閱讀

太陽能發電系統完工 The Solar Power Generating System In CTTB


The board of the Dharma Realm decided in 2010 that if solar panels were set up on the roof facing the sun above the Five Contemplation Hall, it would reduce pollution in its alternative energy developing function. The project was expected to start by the end of last year after the construction permit was acquired from the government. However, as rainy season started, the completion of this project was delayed until February 2011. The system can formally generate power after it passes inspection. 繼續閱讀