萬佛城展示中心成立於二○○九年,位於萬佛聖城行政辦公室內,讓訪客可以在短時間內認識瞭解萬佛聖城。 繼續閱讀
宣公上人說:「《華嚴經》也就是法界經,也就是虛空經。盡虛空、遍法界,沒有一個地方不是《華嚴經》的所在處。《華嚴經》的所在處,就是佛的所在處,也就是法的所在處,也就是賢聖僧的所在處。」 繼續閱讀
The board of the Dharma Realm decided in 2010 that if solar panels were set up on the roof facing the sun above the Five Contemplation Hall, it would reduce pollution in its alternative energy developing function. The project was expected to start by the end of last year after the construction permit was acquired from the government. However, as rainy season started, the completion of this project was delayed until February 2011. The system can formally generate power after it passes inspection. 繼續閱讀