宣化上人行誼 1


In 1988, to pray for the nation’s prosperity, the well-being of the people, social stability, and to foster harmony, prominent members from various sectors in Taiwan, initiated and, together with nineteen religious groups, invited Venerable Master Hsuan Hua to return to Taiwan to lead the “Guan Yin Great Compassion Dharma Assembly for Protecting the Nation and Eradicating Disasters.”

1988年10月28日晚 宣公上人六度到臺灣,次日一大早即展開了為期十四天的法會活動。期間走遍北、中、南、東,包含桃園妙法寺、桃園體育場、臺北中山堂、臺中慈善寺、臺中中興堂、高雄元亨寺、台南正覺寺,乃至花蓮。上人所到之處無不以身教、言教,感化眾生。今剪影法會及講法片段,讓後人學習善知識為法忘軀、慈悲利生的精神。


On the evening of October 28, 1988, Venerable Master Hsuan Hua visited Taiwan for the sixth time. Early the next morning, he began a fourteen-day Dharma assembly. During this period, he traveled across the northern, central, southern, and eastern regions of Taiwan, including locations such as Wonderful Dharma Monastery in Taoyuan, Taoyuan Stadium, Zhongshan Hall in Taipei, Cishan Monastery in Taizhong, Zhongxing Hall in Taizhong, Yuanheng Monastery in Kaoxiong, Zhengjue Monastery in Tainan, and even Hualien. Everywhere he went, Master Hsuan Hua transformed and touched living beings through his teachings and personal example. These snapshots of the Dharma assembly and excerpts from his teachings serve as a legacy, allowing future generations to learn from the spirit of wise teachers who forsake themselves for the Dharma and compassionately benefit all living beings.

We will be uploading and sharing more of the series documenting Venerable Master Hsuan Hua’s activities in Taiwan in 1988. Please stay tuned.