

All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Compassionate Venerable Master, All Good and Wise Advisors.

Tonight is Bhikshuni Jin Zheng’s turn to tie Dharma affinities with the assembly that has gathered for the Guanyin Session and also to honor Universal Worthy Bodhisattva’s Birthday.


I’m currently a first year graduate student at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. When I first started writing this talk, I told one of my Dharma brothers that I was going to share a reading list of all of the sutras in which Guanyin, also known as Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, Bodhisattva appears.  Then I realized that I was going to be speaking Universal Worthy or Universal Conduct, who is also known as Samantabhadra in Sanskrit, Bodhisattva.  Don’t worry I’m not going to give you two reading lists.  I’m going to give you a short reading list, which has four Mahayana sutras, in which both Bodhisattvas appear. Can you guess which sutras these will be before I name them?


The Lotus Sutra. (Guanyin Bodhisattva appears in the Universal Door Chapter – Chapter 25 – which we recite every day of the session twice a day.  Universal Worthy Bodhisattva appears in the epilogue, the very last chapter of the sutra titled “Ch 28 – Bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s Encouragement”. If you want to meet Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, recite this sutra single-mindedly.  Whether walking, standing, or sitting it says that he will appear before you.  It gives his mantra which he uses to protect and support those who recite the Lotus Sutra. )


The Shurangama Sutra. (Universal Worthy Bodhisattva is called Universal Goodness Bodhisattva in the most recent translation.  He is number 13 of the 25 sages who speak of how they certified to the way.  It is with his ear-consciousness that he is aware of all the thoughts and viewpoints of living beings, and with his mind he listens with complete understanding and discernment.  Guanyin Bodhisattva practices through the Dharma door of hearing and contemplating. Isn’t it wonderful that they are both connected with the ear and listening as their practice?)


Earth Store Sutra. They both also request the Dharma from the Buddha and ask questions in the Earth Store Sutra. (Universal Worthy Bodhisattva asks the Buddha to tell the names of the hells, and the retributions for offenses committed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 12, Guanyin Bodhisattva praises Earth Store Bodhisattva for his great compassion and pity for those beings who are suffering for their negative karma.  She beseeches the Buddha to “praise the inconceivable events pertaining to Earth Store Bodhisattva for the sake of beings in the present and future and to cause the gods, dragons, and the rest of the eightfold division to gaze at him in worship and obtain blessings.”)


Most especially you should read the Avatamsaka Sutra’s Chapter 39 and 40. You can find the text on cttbusa.org under Buddhadharma and then Sutra Texts. You can read about how the Youth Sudhana goes to Manjushri Bodhisattva to learn how to practice the Bodhisattva path, and after he has been directed to 53 teachers, Manjushri pulls him across time and space to spend time with Universal Worthy Bodhisattva to complete Sudhana’s certification.


But the sutra text, I will mention tonight comes from the last chapter of the
Avatamsaka Sutra, also known as the Flower Adornment Sutra, The Chapter on Entering the Inconceivable State of Liberation of the Conduct and Vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva.

Every morning at morning ceremony, we recite Universal Worthy’s ten vows:
“The first is to worship and respect all Buddhas;
the second is to praise the Thus Come Ones;
the third is to extensively cultivate making offerings;
the fourth is to repent of karmic obstacles and reform;
the fifth is to follow along with and rejoice in merit and virtue;
the sixth is to request the turning of the Dharma wheel;
the seventh is to request that the Buddhas remain in the world;
the eighth is to always study with the Buddhas;
the ninth is to constantly accord with living beings;
the tenth is universally transfer all merit and virtue.  (Avatamsaka Dharmas, 7)


But I myself didn’t come to really know Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, until I discovered this book, on the book table in 2015. Before reading this, I only knew he was a great Bodhisattva who rode an elephant with six tusks and liked to spend time with Manjushri Bodhisattva.  I felt I knew a lot about Guanyin Bodhisattva and Earth Store Bodhisattva, but I hadn’t truly met this Bodhisattva until I was able to read the English translation of this chapter from the Avatamsaka Sutra.

I read this passage and I felt like I had been struck by lightning:



With regard to  “constantly according with living beings,” he further says:
“I will accord with and take care of all these many kinds of beings, providing all manner of services and offerings for them. I will treat them with the same respect I show my own parents, teachers, elders, arhats, and even the Thus Come Ones. I will serve them all equally and without difference.  I will be a good doctor for the sick and suffering. I will lead those who have lost their way to the right road. I will be a bright light for those in the dark night, and cause the poor and destitute to uncover hidden treasures. A Bodhisattva impartially benefits all living beings in this manner. Why is this? If a Bodhisattva accords with living beings, then he accords with and makes offerings to all Buddhas. If he can honor and serve living beings, then he honors and serves the Thus Come Ones. If he makes living beings happy, he is making all Thus Come Ones happy.  Why is this? It is because all Buddhas, Thus Come Ones, take the mind of great compassion as their substance. Because of living beings they bring forth great compassion. From great compassion the Bodhi mind is born; and because of the resolve for Bodhi, they accomplish equal and proper enlightenment. It is like the great king of trees growing in the rocks and sand of a barren wilderness. When the roots get water, the branches, leaves, flowers and fruits will all flourish. The Bodhi-tree king growing in the wilderness of birth and death is the same. All living beings comprise its roots; all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas comprise its flowers and fruits. By benefiting all beings with the water of great compassion, one can realize the flowers and fruits of the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ wisdom. Why is this? If Bodhisattvas benefit living beings with the water of great compassion, they themselves can attain anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Therefore, Bodhi belongs to living beings. Without living beings, no Bodhisattva could perfect the unsurpassed proper enlightenment. (Avatamsaka Dharmas, 1999, 33 – 36)”



If you want to help play a role in the translation of sutras, this is not only the work of scholarly monastics, but something that everyone can have a share in. We have several translation teams working on various sutras and compilations of Dharma talks.  Some of these teams are working not just to translate into English, but also Spanish and a few other languages.  You can find a list of some of these teams on our Buddhist Texts Translation Society website at buddhisttexts.org under Translation.  


You can also find free books to download including titles such as The Path Within (which is a collection of Dharma talks given by several of Venerable Master’s senior disciples including the abbot of CTTB, Rev. Heng Sure, Dharma Master Chih, and others);
the Shastra on the Door to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas by Vasubhandu Bodhisattva;
and Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra which is the Universal Door Chapter of Guanyin Bodhisattva with the Venerable Master’s commentary which was translated in 1998.  


  • 《內心之道》(這是由幾位上人的資深弟子,包括萬佛聖城方丈恒律法師、恒實法師,恒持法師等法師所講的佛法開示集,目前僅有英文版);
  • 世親菩薩所著的《百法明門論》英譯本;
  • 以及《法華經》第二十五品〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉,這是由上人淺釋並於1998年英譯的版本。

I was most delighted just last week to discover that we are offering many books by Kalavinka Press for free download, translated by Dharma Master Heng Shou, who also is called Dharmamitra, including several translations of Nagarjuna Bodhisattva’s texts and the recently published Avatamsaka Sutra in its entirety.  Some of the Kalavinka Press books are also bilingual in Chinese and English.  His introductions also offer a lot of interesting historical context for the text. I was also delighted when I started reading Nagarjuna On Mindfulness of the Buddha, and noticed that it also had both Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters.

上週我更驚喜地發現,網站上還提供了許多由Kalavinka Press(迦陵頻伽出版社)出版的書籍供免費下載,這些書籍是由前恆授法師(又號Dharmamitra法友)翻譯的,其中包括龍樹菩薩的多部著作以及最近出版的完整版《華嚴經》。Kalavinka Press的一些書籍還是中英雙語的。他的導讀也為經文提供了許多有趣的歷史背景。當我開始閱讀《龍樹菩薩論念佛三昧》時,還注意到書中同時包含了繁體和簡體中文,這讓我感到非常高興。

If you help with translation projects, if you invest your time and energy, in studying and sharing the Buddhadharma, through daily cultivation up to and including studying in the graduate program at DRBU, or even maybe for a few of you, leaving home to become monastics, you are making an offering of Dharma, and Universal Worthy has something to say about that:
“Good man, of all offerings, the gift of Dharma is supreme. That includes offerings such as the offering of cultivating according to the teachings, the offering of benefiting all living beings, the offering of gathering in all living beings, the offering of standing in for all beings to undergo their suffering, the offering of diligently cultivating good roots, the offering of not forsaking the deeds of a Bodhisattva, and the offering of not renouncing the Bodhi mind. Good man, the immeasurable merit and virtue created from making those offerings, when compared with the merit and virtue from a single thought of offering Dharma, does not equal one part in a hundred, one part in a thousand, one part in hundreds of thousands of kotis of nayutas, one part in a kala, one part by reckoning, one part by calculation, one part that can be demonstrated by comparison, or one part in an upanishad. None of them measure up to a single part. Why is that? It is because all Thus Come Ones honor the Dharma. Cultivating according to the teaching gives birth to all Buddhas. If all Bodhisattvas make the offering of Dharma, they perfect the making of offerings to all Thus Come Ones. Cultivation in this manner is a true offering, a vast, great, and most supreme offering” (Avatamsaka Dharmas, 1999, 15-17)”



May each and everyone of you be safe, peaceful, happy, and totally at ease.
May you cultivate well and have all of your wholesome wishes and good aims fulfilled.

Namo Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
Namo Amitabha Buddha.

