

All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master Hua, all Dharma masters and Good and Wise advisors, Amituofo.


My name is Yidan Wang and I am from Shanghai. In the blink of an eye, I am now in my second year at Dharma Realm Buddhist University (DRBU), and this year marks the beginning of my master’s studies. For the first time in my life, I was taken to the “little black room” at the customs office because they thought I was suspicious for quitting my job to return to school here. When I entered the small ‘dark’ room, the customs officer inspected my passport, and the silence made me feel afraid. I thought, “Am I about to be deported and sent back on the next flight?” I quickly pulled my thoughts back to “Namo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva” and began silently reciting. After a long time, the officer said, “Ms. Wang, I have some questions for you.” I thought, “Great, here comes my chance. I’ll answer truthfully and be myself.”

我叫王一丹,來自上海。轉眼間,我已經在聖城法界佛教大學(法大)第二個年頭了,今年開啟了第一年的碩士學習,在入境海關的時候,人生中第一次被帶去小黑屋,因為海關覺得我非常可疑,竟然辭去工作繼續讀書。進入了小黑屋,海關官員檢查我的護照,安靜的氣氛讓我感到害怕,我心想:我是不是被遣送,坐下一班飛機回去了?我馬上把思緒拉回到了「南無觀世音菩薩。我默默念著,過了很久,海關官員說:”Ms Wang(王女士), 我有問題問你。我心想:太好了,機會來了,我只要真實回答做自己便可。

He asked, “You’ve already graduated (from DRBU translation program). Why are you coming back to study (at DRBU MA program) again?” I replied, “I am here to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to understand myself better.” He then asked, “What do you plan to do after you graduate?” I answered, “I will continue teaching.” He looked puzzled and asked, “Then what’s the point of studying?” I replied, “The better I understand myself, the better teacher I will be and the more children I can influence. Wherever the teacher is at is where the students are at.” I continued, “I am getting older, and it’s time for me to starting self-exploration.” He looked at me and said, “Wow, Ms. Wang, I hope you have a great study in the U.S. You are free to leave and please exit here.” I smiled, thanked him and left. I planted some seeds in the customs officer for sure. A seed that we can begin the journey of self-exploration at any age, it’s never too late. When my good friend picked me up, I shared this experience with her, and she laughed and said, “That was the Buddha and Bodhisattvas giving you an intention check!”

他問:妳已經(從法大翻譯班)畢業了,爲什麽還要回來(法大碩士班)讀書?我回答:我來開啓一段認識自己的旅程,更瞭解自己。海關官員又繼續問:“那你畢業之後,準備做什麽?”我説:“繼續教書。” 他納悶的看著我說:“那何必讀書?” 我回答到:“當我更瞭解自己,我可做更加好的更有影響力的老師,老師哪裏,學生們就到哪。” 我繼續說:“我歲數慢慢在增長,需要開啓瞭解自己的旅程了。”他看看了我說:「Wow! Ms. Wang (哇!王女士),希望你能在美國學習順利,你可以離開了,請從這裏出去。我微笑著説了“感謝!”離開了。我在海關官員心裏種下一顆種子,一顆無論什麽年齡都可以開啓自我探索的種子,永遠不會太遲。當我的好友來接我時,我和她分享這段經歷,她笑著和我説:”那是佛菩薩在對妳這次心靈之旅的‘初發心考驗’。”

DRBU studies brought me back to explore myself more, which was as I said earlier the intention check “Why am I coming back again?” from the Customs officer. In the class on the Platform Sutra, we were reading the second chapter on Prajna, and during the study, I made an interesting discovery. Prajna wisdom cannot be prepared. It is like singing or writing not to impress or to approve, sing and write because you just feel inspired and moved at that moment.  This ‘prajna cannot be prepared’ in Platform Sutra class led me to a moment when I was in Cloud Mountain this July participating a ground-breaking ceremony which became my reference point of ‘prajna cannot be prepared’.


The story was: In China this summer, I attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the “1000 People International Chan Hall” at Cloud Mountain True Suchness Monastery where was Great Master Xuyun’s last stop. During the ceremony, we symbolically scooped sand to mark the beginning this auspiciousness. When it was my turn, I released the sand from my palm and made a wish: “I wish to be the bridge between East and West, to provide the opportunity for westerners to experience authentic, thousand years Chan.” When the ceremony was ended, about 20 Abbots from all over China walked back to their dorm in a line. Suddenly, they stopped and discussed among themselves: “How could we start an International Chan Hall without ‘起’ (qi, In traditional Chan session, we start with 起qi meaning raising, the beginning)?” I observed them from a distance, when they stopped I felt this freedom, spontaneity from these Chan Masters. Then they harmoniously chanted 起qi, and as soon as it was uttered, I felt a stream of warmth flowing through my heart to my body. I was in tears, filled with hope to be that bridge between East and West. Qi sound lasted for a while and when it was over, maybe about to be over. Without thinking, I used all my whole body strength to reply back 起qi amidst the crowd of 1000 people. Moments later, the entire crowd started to chant 起qi together. It was as if that moment was a mirror of the future for 1000 People International Chan Hall—adorned and wonderful. When it was over, a Dharma Master who knew me turned around with surprise and excitement and said, “Yidan, you know, you caught the word 起qi; you have bright future.”


I reflected upon why it was me who caught 起qi among 1000 people. How did I do it? While at Cloud Mountain, I realized it was the year at CTTB which empowered me and opened up my heart, providing me with more spontaneity and created space in the heart to myself and surroundings. When I read the Sixth Patriarch’s Sutra in MA class. I realized that a pure mind could catch it, not the analytical mind asking, “Am I eligible to respond to Qi? Who am I to respond?” At that moment, my intention was pure—I wished to be the bridge between east and west. That was a moment of ‘prajna cannot be prepared’, I felt very grateful for the year (the school year 2023-2024) I spent in CTTB and also be able to continue studying and learning here.


October CEI four boundless hearts gave me an opportunity to pause, put a stop on time. I hung “Noble Silence” on my T-shirt, renounced my phone. During these four days in silence, at breakfast, I slowed down, tasted the berry in a way that I had never tasted before — crunchy yet soft, sour with sweetness filled my palate. At lunch I slowed down, chewing not shuffling food while talking. I had a sense of “I have enough, it’s time to stop. Greed, I see you.” After lunch I slowed down, walking back with mindfulness. Each step, each touch from my feet to the earth with kindness and compassion. “No rush, Yidan!” Listen, listen deeply to the joy.


During CEI, my mind was shifted by one of the wise teacher’s instructions. I remembered he pulled a singing bowl out, pointed at the space in the bowl and said: “sometimes we think these empty spaces are wasted.” Then he gradually put in a clock, 2 pens, a notebook, and a water bottle into the singing bowl, he rang the bowl. I heard the “Clack,” unpleasant short sound with no vibration or echo. He struck the bowl again. “Clack.” Then he slowly pulled out the water bottle, notebook, pens and clock until nothing was left in the singing bowl. Stream of tears came out when the teacher took out things one by one, as if my worries, discontentment, self judgements, endless afflictions were being emptied out. He struck the singing bowl again, and the sound permeated the air throughout the universe, echoing back, the echo was so clear and resonant lasted for a very long time. Wow, that moment I realized my heart is like this singing bowl, my heart had space again, spaciousness, to contain new things. When it is filled up with no space, there is no echo, unable to resonate with the universe. Gradually, as we create more and more space, I became more capable of embracing and containing. When I interact with others, my heart is often full worrying about future or regretting the past, making it impossible to listen to others deeply, impossible to give myself fully at that moment, and unable to feel or resonate. This is because the inner world is cluttered, filled with unhappiness, worries, and self-judgment. By emptying out and creating the space allow me to listen to others more deeply and understand our own vibration or energy Qi can affect those around us. This singing bowl experience shifted the way I interact with myself and others.



A poem I wrote after CEI which I turned into a song

Metta loving kindness is welcoming smile

​Karuna compassion is deep listening

​Mudita simplicity joy is rejoicing celebration

​Upekka equanimity is clarity and seeing ‘as it is’

Brahmavihara sublime abiding

If I give each of them a colour

Metta is noon bright yellow

Karuna is dusk reddish green

Mudita is dawn pinkish violet

Upekka is moon dark blue

Four boundless hearts

​As background tone

​Spaciousness in the heart

The resonation permeates

Vibrates boundlessly

Throughout the universe

Acceptance towards self and others

Just like this

As it is

Let the nature takes its own course

Realized is not ​what I have gained today

It is what I have let go today

The simplicity joy mudita

The joy of being awake

Every moment is anew

‘Stand in the heart of the moment

Inner stability’ (from Eve Decker)

I have my own story to write

A story about

Metta Karuna mudita and upekka

Loving kindness compassion

Simplicity joy and equanimity





四無量心 無量的安住






共鳴 彌漫四方
對自己和他人接納 無條件的




After these few months of studying and self-exploration, I realized it is not “sutra is sutra and my practice is my practice”. Sutras need to be lived and embodied, interweave them into day-to-day moment to moment living. Live the text, let the teaching be part of me. Two and half month’s studies let me understand: professors gave guidance to clarity and unfold the texts, discussion with cohort members gave me more profound understanding of the readings. Readings are widening my perspective shift my way of seeing things, going closer to sutra gave me an opportunity to explore it and apply to my daily life. Writing is to put my aha moments, reflections and inspirational thoughts together.


I remembered in SC retreat this June, one of the professors told us a story. One day, Venerable Master Hua was asking all of them,what is the essence of Buddhism? Some of them said: “Samadhi” others said “wisdom, prajna”, some said: “Precepts.” Master Hua shook his head again and again. One of the youngest disciples asked with curiosity: “Shifu, what is it then? please tell me.” Master Hua replied patiently: “Change.” The essence is change. To change, to transform. Every moment is a new moment, change is renewal, renaissance and repentance. Change accompanied with openness to vulnerability, out of the comfort zone, pain, I guess it is called growing pain. I live in the world that constructed and created. I take full responsibility for my actions; I am the heir of my action.

我記得在今年六月的善財中心禪修時,一位教授給我們講了一個故事。有一天,宣公上人問他們:“佛教的本質是什麼?” 有些人說:是禪定。另一些人說:是智慧,般若。還有人說:是戒律。上人不斷地搖頭。最年輕的弟子好奇地問:師父,那到底是什麼呢?上人耐心地回答:是改變。是改變,改變即是轉化。每一刻都是一個新的時刻,改變是更新、是新生、是懺悔。改變伴隨著對內心脆弱的接受、走出舒適圈、經歷困苦,我想這就是所謂的成長的困苦吧。我們生活在一個由自己構建和創造的世界裡,我為我的行為負全部責任,因為我是我的行為的繼承者。

Transformation is slowly emerging every second without knowing while I am in CTTB, like the little Qi story I shared just now, the magic CTTB cast. Like a keyhole, city of ten thousand Buddhas opens up ten thousand worlds, provides ten thousand dharma doors accordingly with skillful means. The future is unknown, it could be scary and fearsome, but it where infinite possibilities and potential lie, where beauty abides, where transformation awaits. 

轉化正在悄然發生,每一秒都在變化,而我身在萬佛城時並未察覺,就像我剛剛分享的小的故事一樣,這就是萬佛城的神奇。就像一個鑰匙孔,萬佛城為我打開了通向萬千世界的大門,提供了無數個法門,並運用善巧方便教導指引我。未來是未知的,它可能會令人心生恐懼,但正是這個未知才有無限的可能性和潛力存在。 充滿了希望美好,也充滿了轉變的可能。

A friend from DRBU asked me: “How do I want to live my life?” How do I? My answer is Live a life of self-exploration, like Buddha’s quest. CTTB has taught me how to love, how to accept, how to see good within, to rejoice and hope for the best for others. Broaden my heart to see the world with new lens.
