
By Minh Phuc Chinese Translated by Sui Xi

文:明 福 中譯:隋喜

Venerable Masters Hua, Reverends, and friends. I would like to share my true personal story.


A few weeks before attending the 2024 Precepts for the Deceased ceremony at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, I began experiencing severe lower back pain. Every morning, the pain was so intense that I struggled to get out of bed. Simple tasks, like standing up, getting into the car, or even coughing, became a source of discomfort. I sought help from a pain therapist, but the treatments provided only minimal relief, and the pain persisted.


On July 11th, 2024, I had the opportunity to attend the Precepts for the Deceased ceremony and hold a plaque on behalf of my father. He and other deceased spirits got the Dharma name Fa Kang (Dharma Health), given by Reverend Heng Sure. Despite the discomfort, I participated in the ceremony, wearing a back support belt to manage the pain. Bowing and kneeling during the ceremony was a challenge, and I had to bow and kneel cautiously with every move. But as we approached the end of the ceremony, something incredible happened.


While reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha with the assembly, I suddenly forgot about my back pain. The collective energy and compassion in the big tent, guided by Reverend Heng Sure’s instructions and translated into Vietnamese by Reverend Heng Shan, seemed to envelop me. I remained fully present in the moment, focused on the recitations. By the time the ceremony ended, the pain that had been with me for weeks had completely vanished.


The next morning, I woke up expecting the familiar pain to return, but it didn’t. I could move freely, get in and out of the car with ease, and even cough without any discomfort. Weeks have now passed, and I continue to be pain-free. It feels like a true miracle, one that I will never forget.


This experience was not just about the physical healing, but also the emotional and spiritual connection I felt during the ceremony. The compassion of the Reverends, the dedication of the volunteers, and the pure and awesome energy of the entire assembly created an atmosphere of genuine care and devotion. I was deeply moved by the selfless acts of kindness of volunteers, from providing fans and cold water to using umbrellas to block the sun’s light to ensuring everyone’s comfort throughout the hot summer day.


Ten days after the ceremony, I had a vivid dream of my father. He appeared in a beautiful, peaceful place, smiling and filled with joy. He told me, “I passed the examination, and your mother has passed as well.” The happiness and peace that radiated from him filled me with a deep sense of contentment and happiness. When I woke up, that feeling of blessedness lingered with me for days.


I am incredibly grateful to Venerable Hsuan Hua, the Reverends, and everyone at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for making this extraordinary Precepts for the Deceased ceremony possible. It has left a lasting impact on my life, both physically and spiritually.
