
丁志春講於2024年8月24日晚 萬佛城大殿


All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, VM, DMs, and all good advisors, Amitofo!

My name is Dale, and my Dharma name is Qin Zhi. I’m currently a Chinese teacher at the Boys’ School. This is my third time tying dharma affinities with all of you at the Buddha Hall. The last time was in February this year. Although half a year is not very long, a lot has happened since then. Today I will take this opportunity to share with you some of my teaching experiences and insights during this period. If there is time left, I would like to talk a little bit about my summer experience. If I say anything wrong or improper, please feel free to correct me.



In the past few months, some interesting things have happened in my teaching. It is difficult to share them with others, but I will tell them in the Buddha Hall today to express my deep gratitude to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and VM for their guidance.

Last year, in addition to elementary school and junior high, I also taught AP Chinese in high school. Most of the students in my class were from Taiwan and China and had a good foundation in Chinese.

We first spent two months studying the 540 radicals in “Shuowen Jiezi” written by Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty around 100 CE.

Later, we learned about the ancient history from the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which is the history before 470 CE.

Between the fall and spring semesters, we practiced reciting ancient poems chosen by the students, helping them prepare for the school poetry competition. During the preparation and competition, the children and I gained a lot of joy and love for poetry.

After all of this was over, I started teaching AP Chinese content and exam techniques for the AP exam in early May.


A large part of AP Chinese involves traditional Chinese culture, such as traditional Chinese architecture and healthcare, so a notable thing we discussed was temple architecture and Chinese Kung Fu, which intersected at the Shaolin Temple. I hoped to bring some realistic content to the children, since I didn’t want them to think that these traditions are old and antiquated. Therefore, after explaining the architectural layout of Chinese temples in detail and introducing the Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Kung Fu, I also introduced a person who has studied Shaolin Kung Fu since childhood, whose name is Shi Heng Yi. He is a monk of the European Shaolin Temple established in Germany. He is around forty years old, Asian, born and raised in Germany, and he speaks German and English.

我們一起看了一段恆義法師2020年受TED邀請而作的時長18分鐘的演講,題目是5 Hindrances to Self-mastery障礙自我掌控的五個方面。演講以他的童年生活開始,他成長在一個亞洲家庭。亞洲家庭似乎有兩個共性:一是孩子不跟長輩頂嘴;二是家庭對孩子未來職業的預期大都傾向於醫生、工程師和律師三個方面。在父母的安排下,他從四歲起就未間斷地過著上學、學少林功夫和回家這樣三點一線的簡單生活。為了達成父母的期待,他獲得了一系列父母認為重要的證書和學歷。學習了對外在客觀知識及事物的認知之後,他意識到缺失了一塊內容,那就去認識自己。而他從四歲開始接觸的身心靈兼修的少林功夫,給予他尋求真理的力量,從而最終沒有走向就業市場去掌握世界,而是繼續他的修行,成為了一個出家人。

We watched an 18-minute TEDtalk that Master Heng Yi gave in 2020, titled 5 Hindrances to Self-Mastery. The speech began with his childhood, growing up in an Asian family. Asian families almost always have two things in common: first, children do not talk back to their elders; second, families tend to expect that their children will become doctors, engineers, or lawyers in the future. Starting from when he was four, his parents arranged for him to live an extremely simple life of going to school, learning Shaolin Kung Fu, and going home. In order to fulfill his parents’ expectations, he obtained a series of certificates and academic diplomas that his parents considered important. After learning about external objective knowledge, he realized he was missing something— that is knowing about self, who am I? The physical, mental, and spiritual Shaolin Kung Fu he had been practicing since the age of four gave him the power to seek the truth. In the end, he did not enter the job market or master the world, but continued his practice and became a monk.


DM Heng Yi was asked to share a few words on what was important in this life under the slogan of “High, Higher, Highest.” The master used the story of a person who was intended to reach the top of the mountain but never took action as an analogy to describe the five hindrances, which are describing different states of the mind. In those states of mind, it becomes very hard to see clearly and therefore engage in the right decisions. The first is Sensual Desire, which is a positive emotion; Second is ill-will/aversion, which is a negative emotion; Third, dullness/heaviness—used similarly in Buddhism, which is described as “imprisonment”; Fourth, restlessness, a state of unsettled mind; Fifth, skeptical doubt, which is closely related to a state of mind that is based on indecisiveness. After knowing the five hindrances, what are we going to do about them? You need to align and structure your life in such a way to prevent them from arising. Therefore, DM Heng Yi gave four steps to remove the 5 hindrances: Recognize in what state of the mind that you are finding yourself in. Afterwards, learn to accept, acknowledge, and allow the situation or a person to be the way it is, to be the way they are. Investigate your emotional and mental state and ask questions. Why did it come up? What is going to be the consequence if I remain in this state?


And ultimately, non-identification. I can’t find the appropriate Chinese translation, but it is an act of tearing off labels and therefore an exercise that can be put into practice: I am not the body. I am not the mind. I am not my emotions. The master finally concluded that in order to bring meaning and value to our lives, we need to learn and master ourselves and not let the hindrances stop us. What is important in this life? The master did not give a standard answer, but gave a method. When you use this method and clarify yourself, you will naturally be able to see the truth and know what is the most important thing in your life. Everyone is different and there is no way to copy others, so it is impossible to have a unified standard answer. Having introduced so much information, next is my personal experience that I want to share.


The video is in English without Chinese subtitles. I was afraid that these children who grew up in China would not be able to fully understand, so I simply repeated the five hindrances and the four steps of solution, and also emphasized the three sentences of non-identification: I am not the body. I am not the mind. I am not my emotions. The class ended here, and I didn’t have much opportunity to help them understand more deeply. But that night, while I was sleeping, I found myself reciting these three sentences. After repeating a few times, the world suddenly became quiet.


When I first moved to Ukiah five years ago, I shared my experience in the Buddha Hall and talked about my university. At that time, one night in the dormitory, I heard other students talking about the Six Character Great Bright Mantra that the teacher taught them. That night, in my nightmare, I unconsciously recited the mantra, and suddenly the world became clean and tranquil, and the surroundings became clear. That kind of purity is consistent with the purity I experienced this time. This kind of purity can also be experienced during meditation, but I did not share it with my students.


Of course, my experience was like a blind turtle who encountered a piece of driftwood with a hole in it and just happened to stick its head into it, which is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But I discovered that these three sentences of non-identification can indeed help us stop playing mind games, and lead individuals to a state of clarity. And when the mind is clear, everything becomes clear. With this clarity, you may find out what is important in your life. In fact, ever since I first came to Ukiah ten years ago and saw the entrance gate of CTTB, I began to embark on the journey of finding my mission in life. During this process, I was confused as to which of the 84,000 dharmas was the right path for me to take. But in the process of being pushed forward by invisible hands, I gradually got to know myself more and more.


Another thing happened after this. AP Chinese also covers traditional costumes. I talked about the changes and trends in clothing in each dynasty.  When it came to the Han Dynasty, a notable event was the 1972 discovery of three Han dynasty tombs in Changsha city in Hunan province. From these tombs, a garment called the “Plain Gauze Gown” was uncovered, which is only 49 grams. There are many photos of this gown on the Internet, and I also found a particularly well-made video about Han Dynasty clothing, all based on the cultural relics unearthed in these tombs. When talking about this plain gauze gown, it described it like this: “Gauze was a very thin textile. Plain gauze means an undyed gauze. Gown means clothing without an inner layer. How was a piece of clothing as thin as this one worn? Some say it was worn over other clothing, thus the colors and images underneath look as though they are covered with a thin fog and it looks quite beautiful.”


When we watched this video, I suddenly remembered that the last part of the article Zhong Yong, “The Doctrine of the Mean” is about the function of this kind of clothing. It is not for beauty, but completely reflects the style of a person of noble character. But I just couldn’t remember how to say that sentence. I even asked a student in the class who could recite “Zhong Yong”, but he didn’t understand the meaning. So I told myself to check the book at home, and I thought I would definitely not forget. But I was so busy after school that when bedtime came, I didn’t think about it. During those days, my second daughter would take out a book of classic Chinese literature every night to read for a while. Although the book she picked up that day was not “Zhong Yong”, before she opened it, she said four words: Yì Jin Shang Jiong, and then she repeated it again. These four words are exactly the words that I thought of during class but could not recall. The next day I shared the text and explanation with the students.


The original text is translated as this: It is said in the Book of Poetry, “Over her embroidered robe she puts a plain single garment,” intimating a dislike to the display of the elegance of the former. Just so, it is the way of the superior man to prefer the concealment of his virtue, while it daily becomes more illustrious, and it is the way of the inferior man to seek fame, while he daily goes more and more to ruin. It is characteristic of the superior man, appearing insipid, yet never to produce satiety; while showing a simple negligence, yet to have his accomplishments recognized; while seemingly plain, yet to be discriminating.

This sentence is not quoted in full, but after reading this, you can already understand why the ancients wore a thin gauze dress as light as mist over their gorgeous brocade clothes. After we talked about this in class, the whole classroom turned silent for a while, but I seemed to be able to hear the sound of silence from the bottom of their hearts. The beauty of a superior man really comes from the inside out. This allows the students to sink into a state of reverie, realizing that their potential is limitless. By harmonizing their minds, their external temperament will also change.



There were more interesting things that happened during the rest of the school year, but I don’t have time to share them. I tell you all these things here to express my gratitude for the guidance of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and VM. Even if I am not aware of it, even if I have forgotten it, it will wake me up in various ways and remind me that these things are a response to my every effort.

The past is the past, and a new school year has begun. As long as we are dedicated to the students, they can live a happy and fulfilled life in our school, grow up healthily in body and mind, and develop in wisdom, benevolence, and courage, and interesting stories will continue to be written. “The wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid.” I hope that both my students and I will grow up to be such people in the CTTB.

剩下一點時間我想打個廣告。今年暑假在我受戒期間,我的大女兒周源,也就是旁邊這位給我翻譯的高中四年級學生,去了DRBU在Sudhana Center舉辦的為期兩周的青年營,主題是沉思哲學,這是DRBU第一次辦這樣的夏令營活動。周源去的那天身體不適,有些低燒,我本來是很擔心她不適應的,但第三天她寫來了郵件,告知她這幾天過得好極了,雖然有點太忙,以至於她沒有足夠的時間去完成她在其他大學選修的網課,但這個青年營既好玩又吸引人。我讀到這些的那一刻,心頭的石頭落地了,此後一周多都過得極其輕鬆自在。周源從八歲開始每年都參加女校的夏令營,直到疫情來臨,現在她大了,女校夏令營是參加不了了,但能去體驗一下法大的活動,多麼難能可貴。以後14歲以上的孩子,暑假依舊能來來萬佛城的法大,家長們依舊可以暫時放下一切到在萬佛城修行。十年前的我,便是通過女校夏令營,走進萬佛城,走進佛法,後來走進男校,走進自心的。

I have a little time left and I want to make an ad. During my ordination this summer, my eldest daughter Zhou Yuan, the senior high school student next to me who is translating, went to a two-week youth camp organized by DRBU at the Sudhana Center. This was the first time DRBU had hosted a youth camp of this sort, and the theme was contemplative philosophy. The day Zhou Yuan went there, she had a low fever. I was worried that she wouldn’t adapt, but on the third day she wrote an email telling me that she had a great first few days. Although she was a little too busy, and there was not enough time to complete the online courses she was taking at other universities, this youth camp was fun and engaging. The moment I read this, I felt relieved. Zhou Yuan has participated in the girls’ school summer camp every year from when she was eight up until the pandemic. Now that she is older and cannot attend the girls’ school summer camp, it is so valuable to be able to experience the activities at DRBU. In the future, children over 14 years old can still come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas during summer vacation, and parents can continue to practice here. Ten years ago, it was through the summer activities in the Girl’s School that I entered the CTTB, entered Buddhism, and later entered the Boys’ school and entered inner self.


My speech for tonight ends here. May this sharing bring benefit to all beings. If there is anything not in accordance with the Dharma, please remind me whenever you see me. Amitofo.