

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma Masters, All Good and Wise Friends, Amitabha! Good afternoon. My name is Jin Chuan.


The Ullambana Sutra is a powerful story of inter-generational kindness. In America, we often talk about inter-generational trauma. How suffering is passed down from one generation to the next. However, this sutra teaches us about inter-generational kindness. And this kindness is two-way: we are deeply shaped by our ancestors, and our present-day actions profoundly influence our ancestors.



I would like to share a personal story. Almost two years ago, my grandfather passed away at the age of 100. He had traditional Chinese values of being materially successful and caring for the family, so when I wanted to be a monk, he was not too happy about it. My mother was also quite upset, and my dad thought I was wasting my life. There was quite a lot of tension in the family.


Still I was quite determined, and after college, I moved to CTTB. I will not go into detail of all the ups and downs in the family, but later the conditions allowed me to leave home. When time came to take the novice ordination, my family came to observe the ceremony. After the ceremony, I gathered with my family in the Guest Building Conference Room. I remember my grandfather sitting in the middle. When I entered the room, he said something that I didn’t expect: 一子得道,九祖昇天 Yī zǐ dé dào, jiǔ zǔ shēng tiān. This phrase translates as, “one child realizes the Way, nine generations of ancestors ascend to the heavens.” This is a common Chinese proverb that is quite resonant with the principles in the Ullambana Sutra. When I heard my grandfather say this, I was quite moved because I felt like I received his approval for my leaving home. Not only that, he also saw value in it. Being a monk could be of direct benefit for the family and ancestors. We were still connected. Leaving home did not mean cutting the bond with the family, but connecting at a deeper place.

但是我大學畢業後還是決定來萬佛城當義工。長話短說,我不講家中的反應起伏過程,但因緣成熟時,我終於可以出家。當剃度受沙彌戒時,我的家人來觀禮。儀式結束後,我在客堂會議室和他們見面。我記得爺爺看到我,第一句話說:“一子得道,九祖昇天。” 這個成語符合《盂蘭盆經》經文。我聽到爺爺說這句話時,我很感動,因為我覺得他祝福我出家,他也看到出家的價值。出家為僧可以直接利益家人和祖先,出家不是完全跟家人斷絕關係,而是以更深刻的方式連接。

In early December 2022, I got a call from my mother that my grandfather was in the hospital, and that the doctors said he did not have much longer to live. She asked if I could visit. I said, “Of course” and I went together with Jin Wei Shi to visit him. When I saw him in the hospital, I could see how weak he was. He was all skin and bones. My mother already told me he was no longer eating, his throat had problems, and he could no longer talk. The doctors said he had not that many more days to live. I went next to his bedside and kneeled down next to him to be closer to him. I expressed my gratitude for him and wished him well. All of a sudden, he started speaking:

Namo Fo

Namo Fa

Namo Seng

Namo Jiu Ku Jiu Nan Guan Shi Yin Pusa.

Translated it means “I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha. Homage to Guan Yin Bodhisattva who rescues us from suffering and difficulty.”







Again, I was deeply moved. At the end of his life, he was calling on the support of the Three Jewels and Guan Yin Bodhisattva. As a young man, I believe he was told to recite these phrases as a Buddhist formula for good fortune. And now, at the end of his life, seeing a monastic, reminded him to take refuge in the Dharma.


The Ullambana Sutra teaches that to truly care for our parents and ancestors, the real power does not only come from ourselves, but from tuning into the Dharma and making offerings to the Sangha. In the Sutra, Ven. Mahamaudgalayana’s own spiritual power was not enough; he had to draw on the strength of the assembled Sangha. The power of the Dharma then takes care of our parents, family, and ancestors. This has been my experience over these last 20 years. Bit by bit, my family has been transformed.


Later, my grandfather was moved back home to be cared for by hospice. I would go and visit him and recite Amitabha’s name together with the family. After reciting, we all sat in a circle with the question: “What are you grateful to Grandpa for?” As each person shared, I heard how grandpa gave money to my mother secretly to buy things for my grandma. How my mother was grateful in the way he accepted her into his family.  A week later, I got a call that he had passed away. I went to see him, and we as an entire family recited Amitabha’s name 為for 8 hours at his bedside. Everyone was very sincere, even my relatives who were not Buddhist.


Returning back to the monastery, I had a thought, “Wow, my family is in harmony” that was something unimaginable 20+ years ago. There is a Chinese saying: “every family has a painful sutra”. My family was no different. But at that moment, there was real harmony, and as I reflected deeper, my intuition is that this harmony came from the power of the Dharma. Trusting in the Dharma and letting it do its magic.


So all of you have come here today for Ullambana, a very special day of intergenerational kindness. Through our heart of filiality to make offerings to the Sangha, we can let the Dharma do its magic in healing and caring for our family and ancestors—ourselves included.

May you and all of your family and ancestors find true happiness and be freed from all suffering! Amitabha!大家今天都來參加盂蘭盆法會,這是一個「代際慈悲」的特別日子。我們以孝心供養僧團,讓佛法發揮療癒的神奇力量,照顧我們的家人和祖先,也包括我們自己在內。祝大家、家人及祖先得到真正的快樂,脫離一切苦難!阿彌陀佛!