
何敏暉 (親誠) Lorraine He


I come from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Before the pandemic, I regularly followed the Hong Kong Buddhist Lecture Hall and Tsz Hing Monastery on Lantau Island for study, practice, and participation in Dharma assemblies. During the three years of the pandemic, through DRBA’s online live broadcasts, I followed DRBA’s Asian branches to participate in the “Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance ” and participate in the online “Guanyin Session.” I also attended Dharma talks from DRBA’s North American, Australian, and Asian branches. I am grateful that DRBA increased online live broadcasts during the pandemic, allowing disciples to meet more Dharma masters and hear more essential teachings. This provided us with more precious opportunities for learning and practice than before the pandemic.

聽到萬佛聖城5月27號重新開放的消息,在聖城法師的慈悲接納,師兄們的慈悲幫助,通過轉機馬來西亞,日本東京後,我和我的兒子親賦,終於來到了萬佛聖城朝聖和參加觀音七法會。 這對於我們來說,無比珍貴。進入到聖城大殿,立刻感受到莊嚴、清淨、慈悲、柔和。 常常有一種:“不敢高聲語,恐驚天上人”的感覺。

When I heard the news that the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) reopened on 27th May 2023, with the compassionate acceptance of the Dharma masters in the City and the compassionate help of fellow cultivators, I and my son finally arrived at the CTTB to make pilgrimage and attend the Guanyin Session after transferring through Malaysia and Tokyo, Japan. This was immensely precious for us. As soon as I entered the Buddha Hall, I immediately felt the solemnity, purity, compassion, and gentleness. I often had the feeling of “daring not to speak loudly, lest I startle the devas.”

為迎接觀音七,我跟隨法師和師兄打掃幾座精舍,每天打掃的時候內心都有一種要過年了一樣的喜悅。 我的姐姐常說過年的喜悅就是從大家一起齊心協力開始打掃衛生開始的。然而伴隨著觀音七的開始,我的喜悅被腳後跟巨大的疼痛所取代。 而且我不明白為什麼痛。 只是忍著。觀音七的前兩天,每走一步,腳都很痛,繞念,從大殿走到齋堂,從齋堂走到宿舍,雖然近在咫尺,卻感覺到如此艱難和遙遠。 有時太痛了只能用腳尖走幾步,緩解一下。觀音七第二天晚上我突然想到能否用洗拖布的桶泡一下腳,我兒子細心的為我打了一桶水,我迫不及待得把腳伸進桶裡。 泡好後細看才發現腳後跟裂開了血口子。 原來因為氣候的變化,從潮濕的深圳到這裡,腳後跟因為氣候乾燥而裂開了。 才知道腳痛的原因。我也沒帶藥,就用搽臉油在傷口塗了塗。 我想可能傷口第二天會感染。 沒想到第二天疼痛大幅度緩解,傷口開始痊癒了。等到觀音七第四天,腳完全好了,每天我都像林間歡快的小鹿一樣從龍樹精舍跑到大殿。 這是觀世音菩薩慈悲的加持。 通過這次我開始對大悲水的概念有所感悟。

To prepare for the Guanyin Session, I followed the Dharma masters and fellow cultivators to clean several houses. Every day during the cleaning, my heart was filled with joy, just like the joy of Chinese New Year. My sister often said that the joy of Chinese New Year starts from everyone working together to clean the house. However, with the beginning of the Guanyin Session, my joy was replaced by the excruciating pain in my heels. And I didn’t understand why it hurt. I just endured it. In the first two days of the Guanyin Session, every step I took was painful. Circumambulating, from the Buddha Hall to the dining hall, from the dining hall to the dormitory, although they were just a stone’s throw away, I felt they were so difficult and far away. Sometimes the pain was so severe that I could only walk on my tiptoes for a few steps to relieve it. On the second night of the Guanyin Session, I suddenly thought of soaking my feet in the mop bucket. My son carefully filled a bucket of water for me, and I eagerly put my feet in the bucket. After soaking, I carefully examined my feet and found that the heels were cracked and bleeding. It turned out that due to the change in climate, from the humid Shenzhen to here, my heels cracked due to the dry climate. I finally knew the reason for the foot pain. I didn’t bring any medicine, so I just applied some face cream to the wound. I thought the wound might get infected the next day. But unexpectedly, the next day the pain was greatly relieved, and the wound began to heal. By the fourth day of the Guanyin Session, my feet were completely healed, and I ran like a happy deer from Nagarjuna House to the Buddha Hall every day. This was the compassionate empowerment of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Through this experience, I began to gain some insight into the concept of great compassion water.

在觀音七期間,有次我無意間發現身旁有位越南師兄整個下午都在念觀世音菩薩聖號,沒有間斷,師兄精進的修行令我十分震動。 由此下定決心,改變自己隨隨便便的心態,想辦法不再容許自己坐念的時候睡著。有精進師兄的示現,加上腳痛的痊癒

,觀音七後面幾天我變得越來越有精神,三點半起來,到晚上迴向都不會睏。 感恩這位師兄的示現。

During the Guanyin Session, I accidentally discovered that a Vietnamese fellow cultivator next to me was reciting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva the whole afternoon without interruption. Her diligent cultivation shocked me deeply. I then made a firm determination to change my casual attitude and find ways to prevent myself from falling asleep during sitting meditation. With the example of this diligent fellow cultivator, and the healing of my feet, in the last few days of the Guanyin Session, I became more and more energetic. I got up at 3:30 am and didn’t feel sleepy until the evening dedication. I am grateful for the example shown by this fellow cultivator.

繞念時想到法師的開示,上人說雙手合十時,要十個指頭貼緊不留縫隙。抬頭看看大殿的千手千眼觀世音菩薩,也是這樣合十的。 這樣合十的姿勢讓自己變得很專注,也很有力量。同時每走一步就觀想自己腳下出現一朵蓮花,其他師兄亦如是。 整個大殿的地上都是朵朵蓮花。坐念時,盡量用全身去念觀世音菩薩聖號。 這讓自己變得有力量,也不容易睏。一眨眼的功夫,觀音七結束了。 從喜到苦再到甜。 我真切的感覺到自己進步了。 上人說參加完觀音七大家都會煥然一新。門口的荷花池在觀音七期間,我常去拍照一朵怒放的荷花,一天去看的時候,花瓣已經全掉了,露出了新綠的蓮蓬,雖小卻茁壯。 就像聖城讓我開始萌芽的善根。

During circumambulation, I thought about the Dharma masters’ teachings. The Venerable Master said that when the hands are palms together, the ten fingers should be close together without any gaps. Looking up at the thousand-armed, thousand-eyed Guanyin Bodhisattva in the Buddha Hall, the hands are also palms together in this way. This hand position makes me very focused and powerful. At the same time, I visualized a lotus flower appearing under each step I took, and the other fellow cultivators did the same. The entire floor of the Buddha Hall was covered with lotus flowers. During sitting meditation, I used my whole body to recite the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with strength. This made me powerful and less likely to feel sleepy. In the blink of an eye, the Guanyin Session was over. From joy to bitterness, then to sweetness. I truly feel that I have made progress. The Venerable Master said that after attending the Guanyin Session, everyone will be refreshed. During the Guanyin Session, I often went to take photos of a blooming lotus flower in the lotus pond at the entrance. One day, when I went to look again, all the petals had fallen off, revealing the new green lotus seed pod, small but thriving. It’s like the CTTB has allowed my good roots to start sprouting.