
劉紅英 (親英) Liu Hongying

2023年10月份的時候有同參問我:2024年聖城有傳授在家菩薩戒,你可以申請一下的……,當時我回答說覺得自己還不具備。 再後來,譚居士發起了去聖城授在家菩薩戒的呼聲,並且為此成立了一個群; 剛巧聽到近永法師講課時說起了授在家菩薩戒的話題,他說人在命斷後,五戒體會隨著暖氣消失而消失,而菩薩戒體則不會消失……,我心動了,於是報名參加授在家菩薩戒。

In October 2023, a fellow cultivator asked me if I would apply to receive the Lay Bodhisattva precepts at CTTB in 2024. At the time, I felt I was not yet ready. Later, Madalena Tan initiated a call to receive the Bodhisattva precepts at CTTB and formed a group for this purpose. I happened to hear Dharma Master Jin Yong mention the topic of receiving the Bodhisattva precepts in a Dharma talk. He said that after a person’s life ends, the substance of the five precepts will disappear, but that of the Bodhisattva precepts will not disappear. This moved me, so I signed up to participate.

2024年7月5日我只身抵達萬佛聖城,這是我第二次到聖城; 第一次是跟著恆茂法師組織的香港訪問團去的,所有的交通、住宿等都不用操心,而這次就不同了,一切的問題都要自己來解決,還好都很順利!

On July 5, 2024, I arrived at CTTB alone, which was my second time there. The first time was with a group from Hong Kong organized by Dharma Master Heng Mao, where all the transportation and accommodations were taken care of. This time was different – I had to solve all the problems myself, but everything went smoothly!


Reflections on Precepts Classes

7月7日下午三點多鍾,女眾約150人來到地藏殿旁的會議室報到,男眾約93人則安排在另外的地方。 會議室是新建的,透著現代氣息,並且安裝了空調,法師說這是有始以來最好的上課環境,要好好珍惜! 薰法師說:上人在世的時候要眾人每天拜四小時的懺! 希望我們戒子把握好兩個時間段:每天早上五點到六點拜願及中午1點到2點的拜大悲懺,最主要是內心的懺悔,把自己懺悔清淨……

On the afternoon of July 7th, around 150 women gathered in the meeting room of the Ksitigarbha Hall for registration, while about 93 men were arranged elsewhere. The meeting room was newly renovated with a modern feel and air conditioning. Dharma Master Syun said this was the best classroom environment ever, and we should cherish it. She mentioned that when the Venerable Master was alive, he asked everyone to bow for four hours every day. She hoped we would seize the two time periods: 5-6 am for bowing vows and 1-2 pm for bowing the Great Compassion Repentance. The most important thing is to repent sincerely from the heart and purify ourselves completely.

我們每天上課的時間為早上7-9點,中午2-5點,晚上7-9點。 6天的戒律課,請了八位法師及四位翻譯法師給我們上課。 近果法師提到:去探望病人時是持著什麼心態? 如果厭惡病人的大小便等等,還顯出不耐煩等等情緒這就是犯了戒……; 恆貴法師提到:學佛不可虛情假意,彎彎曲曲,要真心求法才有感應; 為什麼發不出菩提心? 因為沒有種善根或是善根不夠,善根就是你的法身,是好的基礎,要在三寶面前來種; 持戒就是打地基,把基礎打好了,就有正定,且堅固……; 恆是法師提到:如果不尊重法,不守戒律,不守六大宗旨,不用真心,那麼修什麼法也不會成功……; 恆居法師講盜戒時提到:學四十二手眼現場不可錄視頻或錄音,如果違反就是犯了戒; 還有尸羅的意思是清涼等等……; 恆讓法師講殺戒時提到:不吃蛋及肉的人是現在吃虧,吃蛋及肉的人是將來吃虧; 要修六度萬行才能成佛……; 恆薰法師講淫戒時提到:今生不邪淫來生不婚變; 要保持修持的光明,守戒就是孝順,上人所說所做的都是淨法,有正知正見的擇法眼,淨法就是清凈戒體是善種子(佛性)……; 近威法師提到:聽宣公上人的法就已經很夠了,他什麼法都講,現在有很多邪師說法要小心,宣公上人在世時不斷地叫人重複講同一段經文,這是在練眾人的耐心……; 恆教法師提到:事情都有兩面,看著像吃虧,其實是受益者; 孝名為戒,世間的孝順是看得見的孝順,出家人的孝道是出世間的孝道,看不見的……。 八位法師各有各的特色,講得都很出彩,讓人佩服! 感恩這些大善知識!

Our class schedule was 7-9 am, 2-5 pm, and 7-9 pm daily. Over 6 days, eight Dharma Masters and three translator Dharma Masters taught us. Dharma Master Jin Gwo mentioned that when visiting the sick, what state of mind should one have? If one feels disgusted by the patient’s excrements and shows impatience, it is a violation of precepts. Dharma Master Heng Gui said that when studying Buddhism, one cannot be hypocritical or crooked – one must sincerely seek the Dharma to have a response. Why can’t we bring forth the Bodhi resolve? Because we lack good roots or our good roots are insufficient. Good roots are our Dharma body and a good foundation, which we must plant in front of the Three Jewels. Upholding precepts is laying a foundation, making it solid with right concentration. Dharma Master Heng Shi said that if we don’t respect the Dharma, don’t uphold the precepts and six principles, and don’t use a sincere heart, then no matter what Dharma we cultivate, we won’t succeed. Dharma Master Heng Ju mentioned when lecturing on the precept against stealing that it is a violation to record video or audio at the 42 hands and eyes ceremony. She also explained the meaning of “Sila” as pure and cool. Dharma Master Heng Jue discussed the precept against killing, saying those who don’t eat eggs and meat are losing out now, while those who do will lose out in the future. One must cultivate the Six Paramitas to become a Buddha. Dharma Master Heng Syun spoke on the precept against sexual misconduct, saying that if you don’t engage in sexual misconduct in this life, you won’t have marital problems in the next life. We must maintain the brightness of our cultivation and uphold the precepts as filial piety. Everything the Venerable Masters said and did was pure Dharma, with right knowledge, right views, and the eye of discerning the proper Dharma. Pure Dharma is the pure precept substance, which is the good seed (Buddha-nature). Dharma Master Jin Wei mentioned that just listening to the Venerable Master’s Dharma talks is sufficient – he spoke every kind of Dharma. Now there are many deviant teachers, so we must be careful. When the Venerable Master was alive, he repeatedly asked people to recite the same sutra passage to train everyone’s patience. Dharma Master Heng Jiao said that everything has two sides – it may seem like losing out, but actually it is benefiting. Filial piety is called precepts. Worldly filial piety is visible, while the filial piety of monastics is unworldly and invisible. Each of the eight Dharma Masters had their own unique style and gave brilliant lectures that impressed us deeply. We are grateful to these great wise advisors!


Reflections on Bowing Vows and Receiving the Precepts for the Deceased

7月8日早上5點開始拜願,念第一聲:南無本師釋迦牟尼佛,當念第二遍的時候突然想起薰法師說要提起懺悔心,讓我想起了自己在未學佛之前墮胎的事,眼淚就不自覺地流了下來,等過了此懺悔後又細想起來:殺、盜、妄、酒,我都犯過,於是一一地懺悔起來,到最後回向時,心裡感到一種微微的“輕安”感! 薰法師在上課時說過「善知識」很重要,現在體會到了這句話!

We started bowing vows at 5 am on July 8th. When I recited “Homage to our fundamental teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha” the second time, I suddenly remembered Dharma Master Syun saying to bring forth a heart of repentance. This made me recall that before I studied Buddhism, I had an abortion. Tears flowed down uncontrollably. After this repentance, I further reflected on killing, stealing, lying, and intoxicants – I had violated all of them. So I repented each one. By the time of the dedication, I felt a subtle sense of lightness and ease. Dharma Master Syun had said that good wise advisors are very important – now I truly understood this saying!

7月11日下午5:30開始授幽冥戒,我為家婆(丈夫的母親)求受此戒。 當天將近八百人參加此次法會,天氣炎熱,氣溫約41度左右,我們都前往一個差不多與籃球場那麼大的帳篷,裡面已擺好了許多拜墊,正前方是大佛像,左側放了一排一排要受戒的黃色牌位,會場整體很莊嚴。 剛開始念香讚時有點眼眶濕潤,過後讀懺悔文時,居然沒了感覺,也許是用了三種語言的原因,也許是天氣太熱,大家都汗流浹背不斷地擦汗、喝水等等,讓人分神了; 直到念佛號時,恆實法師大聲用中文說:“專注念佛號”,於是我收起看熱鬧的心,開始專注念佛號,當念到第二遍時,我的眼淚不自覺地涮涮往下掉,哭到合十的雙掌都麻木了,然後心臟也開始要麻木時,我知道這樣會有危險,便趕緊用意念對著空中說:“走吧,不要掛念了,沒有什麼不放心的了”。 模糊中象是有個笑臉顯了一下,然後我的雙手的麻木感減輕了,心臟即時停止麻木感,直到功德回向時,實法師又用中文說:功德圓滿! 我才意識到確實是功德圓滿了! 有種說不出的感恩——大德高僧!

On the afternoon of July 11th at 5:30 pm, we began transmitting the precepts for the deceased. I requested this for my mother-in-law. Nearly 800 people attended this ceremony. The weather was scorching hot, around 41°C. We gathered in a tent about the size of a basketball court, with many bowing mats inside. In front was a large Buddha statue, and rows of yellow memorial tablets for those receiving the precepts lined the left side. The venue was solemn. As we began chanting the incense praise, my eyes welled up a bit. But when we read the repentance text, I felt nothing, perhaps due to the three languages used or the heat. Everyone was sweating profusely, wiping sweat and drinking water constantly, which was distracting. It wasn’t until we began chanting the Buddha’s name that Dharma Master Heng Sure loudly said in Chinese, “Focus on chanting the Buddha’s name.” I put away my curiosity and began concentrating. On the second round, tears streamed down uncontrollably. I cried until my palms pressed together felt numb, and my heart started to go numb too. Realizing this could be dangerous, I quickly used my mind to say to the empty space, “Go, don’t worry about me anymore, there’s nothing to be concerned about.” A blurry smiling face seemed to appear briefly, and the numbness in my hands eased. My heart immediately stopped feeling numb. It wasn’t until the merit dedication that Dharma Master Sure again said in Chinese, “The merit is complete!” Only then did I realize the merit was truly complete. I felt an inexpressible gratitude to the greatly virtuous monastics.


Reflections on Receiving the Bodhisattva Precepts

7月15日早上7點開始傳授菩薩戒。 大殿鐘鼓齊鳴請三師(恆實法師、恆來法師、恆山法師),場面非常莊嚴殊勝。 三位法師用三種語言各讀一遍戒文,第一遍是恆實法師用中文讀,我開始觀想自己處於虛空中,腳底是墨色的海洋,頭頂是墨藍色的天,整體環境有些讓人壓抑,心中感覺有點沉; 第二遍是恆來法師用英文讀,我觀想到有水氣上升成雲朵,這些雲朵中顯出字來:布施、持戒、忍辱、禪定、精進、智慧、慈悲、喜舍; 第三遍是恆山法師用越南文讀,我繼續觀想到這些帶著文字的雲朵都變成了甘露水,灑到了我的身上,還有些是從頭頂直入,此刻的心沒有了沉重感,反而有些歡快,這也許就是得戒體了吧! 受了菩薩戒,就得行菩薩道! 我們上課時要掛著一個小牌牌,以此來區分是否戒子,記得牌子的後面印著宣公上人的一首偈頌:為人不為己,終究是佛體; 為己不為眾,終究白搭命。 提醒得真好!

The transmission of the Bodhisattva precepts began at 7 am on July 15th. The Buddha Hall’s bells and drums rang out, inviting the three Dharma Masters (Heng Sure, Heng Lai, and Heng Shan). The scene was solemn and extraordinary. The three Dharma Masters each read the precept text once in a different language. Dharma Master Heng Sure read in Chinese first. I began visualizing myself in empty space, with a black ocean beneath my feet and a dark blue sky above. The overall environment felt somewhat oppressive, and my heart felt a bit heavy. Dharma Master Heng Lai read in English next. I visualized water vapor rising into clouds, and words appeared within the clouds: giving, upholding precepts, patience, dhyana, vigor, wisdom, kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Dharma Master Heng Shan read in Vietnamese last. I continued visualizing the clouds with the words turning into sweet dew, sprinkling down on me and pouring in from the crown of my head. At this point, my heart felt light, not heavy at all – perhaps this was receiving the precept substance. Having received the Bodhisattva precepts, I must now practice the Bodhisattva path. We wore small name tags during class to indicate we were precept recipients. The back had a verse by the Venerable Master: “If you serve the others but not yourself, ultimately this is the Buddha’s substance. If you just serve yourself but not the others, this is a wasted life.” The reminder was so apt!