
文碧玲 Bik Ling (Celeste) Man, M.D.

這是我第二次去萬佛城, 主要去受菩薩戒及參加觀音七。 在出發當天的早上, 我在窗外看到一條彩虹, 便預感這是一個非常祥瑞之旅。

This was my second visit to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), primarily to receive the Lay Bodhisattva precepts and participate in the Guanyin session. On the morning of my departure, I saw a rainbow which I took as an auspicious sign for the journey ahead.


The Buddha’s Light Shining Universally

我很順利地到達萬佛城, 第一天入到大殿中我便急不及待看看上人的畫像,見到上人的面是放光的。然後拜願時就見到台上大放光芒,真是「佛光普照」。 這經歷十分奇妙, 自己也很法喜充滿。 雖然菩薩戒及觀音七都比較辛苦,天氣很熱, 每天從三點鐘直落到九點半才完成。但人總是精神奕奕的, 比在家還精神 !

I arrived smoothly at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. On the first day, upon entering the Buddha Hall, I eagerly looked at the portrait of the Venerable Master and saw his face radiating light. During the bowing session, I saw brilliant lights emanating from the altar. It was truly a manifestation of “The Buddha’s Light Shining Universally”. This experience was extraordinary, filling me with Dharma joy. Although both the training of the Lay Bodhisattva precepts and the Guanyin session were challenging, with hot weather and long days from 3 AM to 9:30 PM, I remained energetic, even more so than at home!


Celestial Dragons Protecting the Bodhimanda

在菩薩戒前兩天一路蔚藍的天空突然出現了各種形形式式的雲,包括龍形雲 (如圖), 有人並且見到天上有很多龍來到護持道場。

Two days before the transmission of the Lay Bodhisattva precepts, the clear blue sky suddenly filled with clouds including dragon-shaped clouds (see figure). A person saw many celestial dragons coming to protect the CTTB.


Gathering of Good People

今次菩薩戒有一百五十名女及九十三位男戒子,這些參加者很多水準都非常高。我們女眾一早三點半已有很多人在宿舍排班準備參加早課 ,早晚課皆全場暴滿, 以致大殿要保留給參加菩薩戒的戒子才能進入。當大家一起唱誦時,我常感到很大的氣場,眼淚不其然地流下。我感到上人及諸佛菩薩皆在殿中,所以十分莊嚴。在受菩薩戒當日,當鐘鼓齊鳴三師進場時自己不禁流淚,彷彿自己的本性在慢慢醒來。 我們自性本源清淨, 但在這世上打轉,連自己是誰也忘了。 這鐘聲彷彿再喚醒自己的自性,不要再沉迷下去!儀式相當莊嚴,我看到大殿中大充滿金色及紅色的光, 感覺諸佛菩薩皆有出席加持。有一天迴向完步出往生堂時, 忽然內心有聲音說我有機會參加這個菩薩戒,得與諸上善人聚會一處, 皆因歷劫種下菩提因。自己也勉勵自己該多種善根, 以致能生生世世見佛,聞法, 睹僧, 早成佛果!

This time, there were 150 female and 93 male preceptees, many of whom were of a very high quality. Many female preceptees were lining up in the Bodhi House as early as 3:30 AM to prepare for the morning recitation. Both morning and evening recitation were packed to capacity, so much so that the Buddha Hall was reserved only for those preceptees. When we chanted together, I often felt a powerful energy field and tears would involuntarily flow. I sensed the presence of the Venerable Master, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the hall, making it very solemn.

On the day of the transmission of Lay Bodhisattva precepts, when the bells and drums sounded as the three masters entered, I burst into tears. It felt as if my inherent nature was slowly awakening. Our inherent nature is originally pure, but we’ve become lost in this world, forgetting who we truly are. The sound of the bells seemed to reawaken our inherent nature, urging us not to remain deluded! The ceremony was very solemn. I saw the Buddha Hall filled with golden and red lights, feeling that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were present to bless us. One day when I was walking out of the Rebirth Hall after the dedication of merits, I suddenly heard a voice in my heart saying that I had the opportunity to receive the Lay Bodhisattva precepts and be able to gather together with all these good people, all because of planting the seeds of Bodhi through all these kalpas. I encouraged myself to cultivate more good roots so that I can see the Buddha, hear the Dharma, and meet the Sangha in all my lifetimes, and thus achieve Buddhahood earlier!


Bodhisattva Precept Substance

有一天守八關齋戒時, 我下午習慣性地想找零食食, 然後心裏立刻有很強的聲音對我說: ‘你今天守八關齋戒, 是不可以亂吃東西的!’ 我當時便肯定自己有菩薩戒體。 菩薩戒體明顯比五戒的戒體清淨及強很多, 自己打坐時感覺少了好多妄想, 並明白為何這個戒體能夠一路陪伴我直至成佛。

One day while observing the Eight Precepts, I habitually wanted to find some snacks to eat in the afternoon. Immediately, a strong voice in my heart said, “You’re observing the Eight Precepts today, you can’t eat casually!” At that moment, I was certain that I had received the Bodhisattva precept substance. The Bodhisattva precept substance is noticeably purer and stronger than the Five Precepts. I had fewer false thoughts during meditation and understood why this precept substance could accompany me all the way to Buddhahood.


Viewing All Beings with Compassionate Eyes

在觀音七時我看到大殿中充滿光芒。在午齋時方丈和尚開示說道 :‘在我們的萬佛寶殿, 供桌的正上方有一副橫掛的寶幡, 上面寫著「佛光普照」這四個大字…「佛光普照」是什麼意思啊? …當我們以慈悲心來對待我們周遭的人們時, 就是我們佛性在大放光明, 溫暖的普照一切, 這就是「佛光普照」的意思…我們會使這個世界變得更美好的, 也同時會增長我們的福德以及智慧, 成為觀世音菩薩的化身。

During the Guanyin session, I saw the Buddha Hall filled with brilliant lights. During lunchtime Dharma talks, the Abbot said: ” the horizontal banner above the altar in our Buddha Hall says the Buddha’s Light Shining Universally…what is the meaning of the Buddha’s Light Shining Universally…when we treat living beings around us with loving-kindness and compassion, our Buddha nature’s light shining universally and warming is the meaning of the ‘Buddha’s Light Shining Universally’…we will make the world a better place and increase our blessings, merits and wisdom as being Guanyin Boddhisattva’s transformation bodies. “


The Pioneers Plant Trees, the Descendants Enjoy the Shade

我們在最新落成有空調設備的地藏殿中上課, 每天午齋時菜式都十分豐富及美味, 又有很多新鮮水果吃。 雖然天氣十分炎熱, 很多人都說來萬佛城之後吃胖了。在上課時薰法師說到她們1990年代依然要吃人家不要的菜, 還要去法總經營的旅館做清潔…這和我們今天的享受真是天淵之別。上人說過 : ‘萬佛聖城是從我們這一些人苦幹來的,修行來的…我們有多少真心諸佛菩薩就有多大感應,所以便把萬佛聖城交給我們來管理。’ (華嚴經淺釋) 我們今天能有萬佛城如此廣大及清淨的道場, 在當中好食好住, 都因為一代代人的苦行修來的。所以我們要好好惜福, 護持這個得來不易的道場。

We had classes in the newly completed air-conditioned Ksitigarbha Hall. Every day at lunch, the dishes were very rich and delicious, with plenty of fresh fruits to eat. Although the weather was very hot, many people said they’ve gained weight since coming to the CTTB. During class, Dharma Master Heng Syun mentioned that in the 1990s, they still had to eat vegetables that others didn’t want and had to clean hotel operated by DRBA… This was vastly different from the comfort we enjoy today.

The Venerable Master once said: “The CTTB came from the hard work and cultivation of people like us… The more sincerity we have, the greater the response from all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so they entrusted the CTTB to us.” (Brief Commentary of the Avatamsaka Sutra) The fact that we can have such a vast and pure Bodhimanda today, with good food and accommodation, is due to the ascetic practices of generations. Therefore, we must cherish and protect this hard-earned Bodhimanda.



今次是一個很不可思議的旅程, 把自己完全地轉變! 真感激上人及佛菩薩們的恩典,自己也要好好珍惜 ,精進修行大悲心,完滿自己的佛性。

This was an inconceivable journey that totally transformed me! I’m truly grateful for the grace of the Venerable Master and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I must cherish this experience, diligently cultivate the great compassionate mind to perfect my Buddha nature.