

A Dharma Talk by Bhikushni Jin Nan at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on July 23,2024


Today is the 3rd day of Guanyin session, all of us here recites the Universal Door Chapter, Great Compassion Mantra and chants the sagely name of Guanyin Bodhisattva continuously. I believe this is because everyone is moved by the great kindness and compassion of Guanyin Bodhisattva and has deep faith in the great spiritual power of Guanyin bodhisattva.


Perhaps most of us here have heard about stories of how Guanyin Bodhisattva has saved, crossed over and taught living beings the Dharma. I would like to share two stories with you about Guanyin Bodhisattva too. I hope that after listening to these stories, it may help you deepen your faith in Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Buddhadharma.


On the first day of Guanyin session in March this year, a man came to the buddha hall to bow to the Buddha. When he met a Dharma master, he asked, “Dharma master, do you see Guanyin Bodhisattva very often?”


The Dharma master glanced at him and asked, “Well, have you ever seen Guanyin Bodhisattva?”


This man told the Dharma master about an experience he had. He said, “Just a month ago, I brought my wife here to join the Great Compassion Repentance because my wife was diagnosed with cancer, and it was already in the terminal stage. Someone introduced us to CTTB to pray and seek help from Guanyin Bodhisattva.”


“That day, when we arrived at CTTB, the Great Compassion Repentance had started in the Buddha Hall. Since we had never participated before, I pushed my wife’s wheelchair to the side of the hall. My wife was completely exhausted. She was so weak that she had no strength at all, her head was lowered, she had no energy to even raise her head. After the Great Compassion Repentance, I looked at the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the center of the front of the hall. Suddenly, I saw a person whose whole body was glowing walked down from the stage, I was very surprised. I kept looking at the man with radiance. He walked to the middle of the hall, then stretched out his hand so long, and touched my wife’s head. Then, he extracted some black substance from her body and threw it onto the stage.”

這位男眾繼續說:“那天之後,我太太的精神突然變​​好了,因為她是癌症末期,一直有個願望,希望可以回中國老家,在往生之前見到老家的親人。但由於身體太虛弱,一直沒辦法成行。那天參加完大悲懺之後,她恢復了些許精神,有力氣可以坐長途飛機回中國。所以,我很快就帶著我的太太回老家。回到中國不久後,她就往生了。但總算過世前,滿了她的心願 — 可以見到親人,也可以在老家往生。”

The man continued, “After that day, my wife’s condition improved. Since she was in the final stage of cancer and had always wished to return to her hometown in China and see her relatives there before passing away. But she was too weak to travel a long distance, there’s no way it could happen. However, after participating in the Great Compassion Repentance just once, she regained some energy, enough for her to take the long-distance flight back to China. Seeing her changes and improvement, I quickly arrange the journey to bring my wife back to her hometown in China. Not long after returning to China, she passed away. However, her wish was fulfilled before she passed away. She could see her love ones before she passed away.”


This man told the dharma master that on the day of his wife’s funeral, when she was being cremated, he saw his wife walking out of the coffin with two children standing beside her. These two children are emitting golden light from their bodies. He said that his wife seemed very happy and followed the two children left, with a smile on her face. He told the dharma master that originally, he was very sad during the funeral day and was still crying, but when he saw his wife turned back to smile at him before leaving, he had mixed feelings and thought this was a very special experience and state he has encountered. That is why after he his wife’s funeral, when he returned to the States, he couldn’t wait to visit CTTB again, because he want to come and see GY bodhisattva again.


This man is not a Buddhist, he only takes in folk beliefs. However, due to his wife’s illness, he came to CTTB because a friend introduced Guanyin bodhisattva to him. Probably because he has faith, therefore attending the Great Compassion Repentance just once was enough for him to develop confidence in Guanyin bodhisattva and started to rely on Guanyin.  After the experiences while handling the matters before and after his wife’s death, I believe that in the future he will be interested in Buddhism, and slowly will contact and learn more about Buddhism. This is an example of how GY bodhisattva uses his spiritual power and uses expedient ways to attract and guide living beings to learn the dharma.


The second story is about a lay women who is a doctor from Hong Kong.


This lay women just started studying Buddhism, not long after her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She once heard the story about an American disciple of the Venerable Master whose father was ill, and this disciple took a bowl of water and recited the Great Compassion mantra for his father every day, and gave it to his father to drink. Later, his father’s illness was cured. So, she wanted to emulate this disciple and recite the Great Compassion mantra for her mother too, hoping that her mother’s cancer could be cured. Since she was a beginner, at first, she could only recite the Great Compassion mantra a few times a day. Later, when she became more familiar with the mantra, she could recite around 130 or 140 times per day. She continued to recite the Great Compassion mantra every day in the hope that her mother’s condition would improve.


It was around the year 2021. During that time, the COVID pandemic was at its peak globally. Daily statistics showed that the number of new positive cases and new deaths continued to rise. But strangely, the hospital department where this lay woman works began to receive new data showing that the number of positive cases and deaths dropped drastically. In the beginning she didn’t notice it herself, until one day, the head of her department mentioned it to her while they were chatting. When she heard about it, she thought to herself, could it be the reason she had been reciting the Great Compassion mantra every day? But she knew very well that the reason she recited the Great Compassion mantra was for her mother, not for the pandemic.  Her mother originally needed an operation, but after another checkup before the operation, the doctor told them that it was not necessary because her mother’s condition had improved.


This is the power of the Great Compassion mantra. Due to the filiality and her faith in the Great Compassion mantra and Guanyin Bodhisattva, this lay woman not only helped her mother’s condition to improve, but indirectly she also helped other living beings surrounding her. Therefore, we must always have confidence that no matter what difficulties we encounter, or things that we cannot see through and let go of, we just need to recite the Universal Door Chapter, or recite the Great Compassion mantra every day, or even just by reciting the sagely name of Guanyin Bodhisattva, this will lead us to liberation and purity, and many more other benefits. We just need to be sincere and practice constantly. In fact, no matter what Dharma door we practice, we must be persistent and persevere, only in this way can we attain true benefits.