





2002年8月8日,台灣的爸爸節,傍晚我打電話回家祝爸爸父親節快樂。電話響了很久,媽媽才來接電話並很平靜地告訴我「爸爸躺在地上不會動了。」我就說「那趕快打119叫救護車啊,我手上接了我們部門有史以來最大的案子,我回不去,要和我保持聯絡啊。」 放下電話後,我手和嘴完全不受我的控制,自動作業了,竟然打了電話給幾位同事,交代了案子的進度和檔案所在,說家裏出事了,必須趕回家。










在媽媽死亡之後15個小時,花蓮慈濟醫院的居家安寧護理師來幫媽媽擦拭身體,換衣服,並且協助開立死亡證明書,很驚訝地發現,媽媽的身體怎麼這麼柔軟,她從來沒有遇過這種情形。媽媽身上的睡衣是解釦子脫下,而不是把衣服剪破脫下,然後換上一件件媽媽喜歡的衣服,最後穿上海青。當時媽媽眼睛半闔,面部表情歡喜,明顯笑得很開心 。


Buddhas、Bodhisattvas, venerable masters Hua, Dharma Masters and good advisers, I am yunyun from Taiwan, this evening i would like to talk about something about my mother- laywoman LI,FANG-SHIN

My mother passed away on September 11, 2023. She was the first person in our family to become a vegetarian and also the first to regularly recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva. This change was inspired by my father being diagnosed with cancer. At that time, our family didn’t have a clear religious belief; we claimed to be Buddhists but eat large amounts of meat and drink alcohol.

Due to the manifestation of karmic effects, my father was repeatedly misdiagnosed. By the time the correct diagnosis of kidney cancer was made in 1990, it was already at the terminal stage, and the cancer cells had spread. The doctor said my father had no more than six months to live. At that time, we had little understanding of Buddhism and didn’t know whom to pray to. My mother made a vow in her mind: “I am willing to become a lifelong vegetarian if my husband’s illness can be cured.” Thus, she began to eat a completely vegetarian diet. My father and I made no changes and continued with our usual eating habits.

Later, I brought a copy of Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, from Taipei to Kaohsiung (by the way, I work in Taipei city, my parents dwelling in Kaohsiung.)and told my mother, “I’ve heard that reciting this Sutra is very beneficial. Would you like to recite it for Dad?” Then I left. Subsequently, my mother started by reciting the sutra once a week, then ten times a month, and very quickly it became a daily practice. Later, when they returned to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor was astonished and said that the cancer cells had disappeared. My father lived an additional twelve years and passed away after that.

On August 8, 2002, which is Father’s Day in Taiwan, I called home in the evening to wish my father a happy Father’s Day. The phone rang for a long time before my mother answered. She calmly told me, “Your father is lying on the ground and isn’t moving.” I responded, ” hurry up  call 911 for an ambulance! I’m handling the biggest project our department has ever had, and I can’t come back. You need to keep me updated.” After hanging up the phone, my hands and mouth acted on their own. I ended up calling several colleagues, informing them of the project’s progress and the location of the files, and explained that there was an emergency at home and I had to go back.

That night, I flew back to Kaohsiung, planning to search from one hospital to another. Fortunately, I found my father on a stretcher in the emergency room of the first hospital I visited, with my mother sitting beside him reciting the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva. When she saw me, she just glanced at me and said, “How did you know your father had faint? Don’t disturb me; I haven’t finished reciting the sutra.”

Later, I learned that my father had repeatedly fainted and regained consciousness at home, standing up and faint and fall again multiple times, which resulted in severe bruising on his head. My mother thought he was dead and, in her grief, tried to end her own life by banging her head against the wall. This experience taught us that the bond between spouses should not be overly intense.

After admitting my father to the ICU, my mother experienced severe headaches that she could hardly breathe. It turned out that her intracranial bleeding was even worse than my father’s. The doctor said that with the amount of bleeding she had, she should have been in a deep coma. It was impossible that she could have politely called an ambulance and, after being refused, stumbled to the road to hire a taxi. My Parents’ house in a remote area with very little traffic, but that day, she managed to flag down a taxi, and the driver was even willing to carry my father down from the second floor and take him to the hospital. Despite everything, my mother still remembered to bring the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva with her.

At the end of 2002, my mother moved to Taipei to live with me. She took refuge and the Five Precepts, at Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Society.  She dedicating herself daily to reciting sutras, chanting the Buddha’s name, and reading Venerable Master Hua’s teachings.   One day, the caregiver who was looking after my mother called my office, crying and saying that there was a poisonous snake in the yard, and she was very frightened. I immediately took leave from work and rushed home, while also calling 911 to come and catch the snake. Since we lived near the National Palace Museum, all five of Taiwan’s most poisonous snakes could be found in the area.

When I arrived home, I couldn’t find the snake. Then I learned that my 87-year-old mother had spoken to the snake: “Snake, snake, I will not hurt you, so don’t be afraid. But if the neighbors see you, they might hurt you. Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you out.” She then used a broom to sweep the snake into a dustpan and released it under the foot of the mountain .

I asked my mother, “What if it had bitten  you?” She firmly replied, “It won’t. The Master said that as long as we have no intention of harming it, it will know and won’t bite.” I was speechless, not sure if my mother was just lucky or it’s me lacked enough faith in the Master’s teachings.

My mother had severe hearing loss, but when she read in Master Hua’s teachings that the Great Compassion Mantra was very good, she decided to learn it on her own. She looked up the pronunciations in the dictionary and began to recite the mantra. As she practiced, her recitation became increasingly fluent, and her intonation even began to resemble that of Master Hua’s chanting.

Before my mother became a vegetarian, she liked to eat fish, chicken brains, wings and the bone on the chicken thighs. In the last 20 years of her life, my mother’s health was poor. Within six months, she underwent two head surgeries.  She broke her arm twice, had stage three colon cancer, and fractured her hip. Eventually, we found an excellent traditional Chinese medicine doctor to help regulate her health. However, this doctor said that non-vegetarian medicine would be very effective for her condition, and if she insisted on purely plant-based medicine, the improvement would be limited. Then he insisted on using one particular animal-based ingredient.  My mother simply replied, “This might not be appropriate; we are vegetarians.”

In the last seven years of my mother’s life, she developed dementia and forgot my father and me—her only child. Her physical and mental decline was evident, yet she still made a daily effort to recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva once, the Amitabha Sutra once, the Great Compassion Mantra 21 times, and countless repetitions of the Buddha’s name. In the last years of her life, she became so weak that she couldn’t concentrate on chanting; focusing on chanting would exhaust her to the point of tantrums like a child. Therefore, she eventually only recited the Amitabha Sutra once a day and chanted the Buddha’s name. Besides that, she played with toys meant for children under three, ate lollipops, and enjoyed basking in the sun and past away at the age of 97.

During the last 14 days of my mother’s life, she began refusing any food or drink, except for a lollipop or a piece of chocolate that she liked. One days before she passed away, a professional caregiver who used to work at our house suddenly came by to see my mother. She kindly helped my bedridden mother wash her hair and take a bath while still in bed. My mother seemed very comfortable and relaxed.

In the early morning of September 11, my mother took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and passed away. A tear fell from the corner of her eye, her mouth was open, and her facial expression was peaceful.

Fifteen hours after my mother’s death, the home care nurse from Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital came to help clean her body, change her clothes, and assist with issuing the death certificate. The nurse was surprised to find my mother’s body still so soft. she had never seen anything like this。 She unbuttoned and removed my mother’s pajamas without cutting it, then dressed her in clothes she liked, and finally, in a black ceremonial robe. At that moment, my mother’s eyes were almost closed, and her facial expression was joyful, clearly showing a happy smile.

My mother showed me through her actions to have steadfast faith in Buddhism and to firmly believe in the teachings of the venerable masters. She demonstrated the importance of persistently chanting the Buddha’s name.

The greatest influence of mother on Yun Yun is that she faithfully remembered and applied the teachings of the Master in her daily life without any incongruity. Because of her solid foundation in chanting the Buddha’s name, even though she suffered from severe dementia in her later years (reaching moderate to severe levels), forgetting her husband and daughter, she never forgot to chant the Buddha’s name, which greatly encouraged Yun Yun.  Mother’s actions taught me to firmly believe in Buddhism, trust the teachings of the master, and persist in chanting the Buddha’s name.