張瑞涵丶胡嘉芸丶葉嘉雯講於2017年3月10日星期五晚 萬佛城大殿
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Suzanne Zhang:All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma Masters, and Dharma friends, amitofo. I have been listening to many different years’ seniors being up here and talk about their experience with this place. And eventually, after five years, it is now my turn to be here and share my learning with everyone. if there is anything I say that is not according to the dharma, please kindly correct me.
張瑞涵:諸佛菩薩,宣公上人,各位法師,各位善知識:阿彌陀佛!我曾經聽了好多不同屆的畢業生在這裡結法緣,分享他們在聖城的故事。五年後,我最終還是來到了歷屆畢業生所在的位置,來與大家分享我在聖城的經歷以及所學。如果有任何講的不如法的地方,請大家慈悲指正。 閱讀全文 →