Lisa Liang講於2016年9月16日星期五晚 萬佛城大殿
Buddhas, bodhissatvas, venerable master, dharma masters, and dharma friends. Amitabha….my name is Lisa……tonight I will share some of my thoughts on a particular line in the Vajra Sutra that stood out to me. The line goes “All marks are empty and false” Speaking up here tonight helped me stop and reflect on my cultivation. With all the things going on, work and study, I have been taking every situation and moment for granted and everything passes by so quickly that I hardly get the time to reflect but this talk actually helped me see how I am doing in cultivation and the things that happen in daily life.
諸佛菩薩,宣公上人各位法師, 各位善知識阿彌陀佛!我的名字是 Lisa,今天晚上我要分享的是金剛經裏面對我來說比較特別的一句“凡所有相,皆是虛妄。”今天在這裏講法讓我在修行的道路上反思。因爲有許多事情,常常我都把每件事都當成理所當然,而且時間過得太快,我常常都沒有時間反思, 但這一次的講法讓我看到了我的修行進度,和反思一些日常生活裏發生的事件。 閱讀全文