Angela Green、楊淵善、蘇詠盈、林慧宜 、王司程講於2014年6月3日星期二晚 萬佛城大殿
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By Angela Green
Good evening everyone, my name is Angela, a graduating senior at DVGS. I have been studying at CTTB since preschool..I have been studying here for 14 years. The last time I gave one of these talks, I was really little. I can’t remember when, exactly, or what I talked about, but know I did. I have basically grown up here. This temple is as much a part of me as my home. Because of this, questions like “how has being a student here helped you change?” or “what has been this school’s greatest effect on you?” are extremely difficulty for me to answer. It’s like trying to answer the question, “how has your parents’ influence affected the person you have become?” The answer to that question is “In every way.” And, just like the answer to that question, I can never, and probably will never be able to put my figure on how – exactly—this school has affected me. 閱讀全文 →