孫瑋唯、Lynnette Seak、李寧恩、陳荃荃講於2014年6月10日星期二晚 萬佛城大殿
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By Ashley Sun 孫瑋唯
Dharma Masters, Teachers, Students and Good knowing advisers…. Good evening. My name is Ashley Sun, and I am another graduating senior from Developing Virtue Secondary School with another talk.
各位法師,老師,同學們,和善知識,大家晚安。我的名字是孫瑋唯, 我也是一個即將要從培德女中畢業的學生。
When I found out that I was going to give a Dharma talk today I didn’t know what I wanted to say. A few days ago I asked my dad what I should talk about. He told me to say anything that my heart wanted to say, whether it be good or bad. So taking his advice I decided that I would talk about my relationship and experience with CTTB and how that has made me into the person I am today. 閱讀全文 →